Concerning the Human Condition.

I am chronically prone.

The Busy Mind
2 min readJul 10, 2022
Photo by San Fermin Pamplona - Navarra on Unsplash

The human condition is an entirely unique affliction. By definition, it only affects cognisant beings such as us. Animals and inanimate objects are blissfully immune. Consciousness and self-awareness are the source of chronic pain and hence also the cause of long-term suffering. They can drive us to utter despair and insanity. There is no known cure.

Purgatory is an unending list of unanswered questions:

– Why me?

– How did I get here?

– Where am I going?

– Why am I full of shame and remorse?

– Why is there so much chaos in the world?

– Where is this all leading?

– Why is the future so uncertain?

– How can I make things better?

– What’s the point if no-one else really cares?

– I know I am going to die and so why can’t I just make the most of it?

– When and how will I die?

– Why can’t I be a better husband and father?

– I can’t change the past so why can’t I just move on?

– Why does my life feel so out of control?

– What’s the purpose of all the suffering in the world?

– If there really is a benevolent God, then why is there so much suffering?

etc., etc., etc….

I’m sure you can add many more of your own to this list.



The Busy Mind

Commenting on the world as I see it — markets, philosophy, investing and more.